Vance Digitization
The Vancouver Police Museum and Archives is
thrilled to provide digitized access to the John Vance
Fonds. Funding for this project was generously
provided through a grant from the Irving K. Barber
Learning Centre BC History Digitization Program.
Explore Vance’s world as a Chemist, City Analyst,
Dominion Analyst, forensics investigator, and
Honorary Inspector for the Vancouver Police
Department between 1907 and 1949. Browse over
5,000 pages related to Vance's personal and
professional correspondence, reports, investigation
working notes and calculations, scientific research
notes, photographs, certificates, newspaper
clippings, and magazines that document a dynamic
and varied career as Canada’s “Sherlock Holmes”.
The VPMA is pleased to partner with the BC
Electronic Library Network to make these records
widely available through the ARCA digital repository.